- 「世事隨時都在發生,每一刻都值得珍惜。」There's never nothing going on. There are no ordinary moments.
- 「每個人都口口聲聲說是為你好,他們不想讓你自己找到答案,只希望你信他們那套。我要你別再聽外界的聲音。要開始傾聽你的心。」Everyone tells you what to do and what's good for you. They don't want you to find your own answers. They want you to believe theirs. I want you to stop gathering information from outside yourself and start gathering it from the inside.
- 「沒有開始或終止,只有做。」There is no starting or stopping, only doing.
- 「勇士不能放棄他熱忠的志業,他在所做所為中找到愛。」A warrior does not give up what he loves. He finds the love in what he does.
- 「幾乎所有人都經歷過這種痛苦,得不到就覺得受折磨,就算得到,苦難也不會結束,因為你無法永遠擁有。」Nearly all of humanity shares your predicament. If you don't get what you want, you suffer. And even when you get exactly what you want, you still suffer, because you can't hold onto is forever.
- 「旅程才是帶來快樂的泉源,而不是目的地。」The journey's what brings us happiness, not the destination.
- 「知識與智慧的不同。智慧是實踐」Knowledge is not the same as wisdom. Wisdom is doing it.
- 「致力於做更有意義的事:服務他人。」Devoting my life to a higher purpose. Service to others.
- 「凡事都有意義,你得自己找出其中的涵意。」Everything has a purpose. And it's up to you to find it.
- 「喜怒哀樂人之常情,就像四季變化。」Emotions are natural, like the passing weather.