
Strays birds



A Stray Bird (18472891)



Life finds its wealth by the claims of the world and its worth by the claims of love.

I cannot choose the best. The best chose me.

They throw their shadows before them who carry their lantern on their back.

That I exist is a perpetual surprise which is life.

Never be afraid of the moments- thus sings the voice of the everlasting.

Do not linger to father flowers to keep them, but walk on, for flowers will keep themselves blooming all your way.

Do not insult your friend by lending him merits from your own pocket.

I carry in my world that flourishes the worlds that have failed.

The bird thinks it is an act of kindness to give the fish a lift in the air.

To be outspoken is easy when you do not wait to speak the complete truth.

If you shut your door to all errors, truth will be shut out.

I hear some rustle of thing behind my sadness of heart- I cannot see them.

The roots below the earth claim no rewards for making the branches fruitful.

I have dipped the vessel of my heart into this silent hour; it has filled with love.

Who drives me forward like fate? The myself striding on my back.

The water in a vessel is sparkling; the water in the sea is dark. The small truth has words that are clear; the great truth has great silence.

It is the little things that I leave behind of my loved ones- great things are for everyone.

My flower of the day dropped its petals forgotten. In the evening it ripens into a golden fruit of memory.

He who is too busy doing good finds no time to be good.

A mind all logic is like a knife all blade. It makes the hand bleed that uses it.

Praise shames me, for I secretly beg for it.

Our desire lends the colors of the rainbow to the mere mists and vapors of life.

Life has become richer by the love that has been lost.

Kicks only raise dust and not crops from the earth.

In heart’s perspective the distance looms large.

Man is worse than an animal when he is an animal.

Let not the sword-blade mock its handle for being blunt.

The eyes are not proud if their sight but of their eyeglasses.

The false can never grow into truth by growing in power.

My heart, with its lapping waves of song, longs to caress this green world of the sunny day.

Through the sadness of all thing I hear the crooning of the Eternal Mother.

The world loved man when he smiled. The world became afraid of him when he laughed.



周邊及中央靜脈管路的選擇(peripheral or central venous catheter duration matter)

成人中央靜脈導管的選擇 今天晨會討論如何選擇不同類型的中央靜脈導管,怎樣的患者需要何種靜脈管路,周邊靜脈管路還是中央靜脈管路?原文是來自 CDC的合適選擇CVC ,期刊論文來自 Annal of internal Medicine 。這個方法叫做MAGIC(The Michigan Appropriateness Guide for Intravenous Catheters),他是參考使用日期長短來做為選擇的依據,因為在 預防CLRBSI 的其中一項就是在「不需要管路的時候就移除」,所以預期使用靜脈管路多久,以及對病患侵入性的程度做會選擇依據。 這邊所說的合適(Appropriateness)是指做這一項動作的淨利大於淨弊,不考慮花費。 這篇先討論成人患者的選擇,至於小孩的選擇大致相同有些微差異,在諸如PICC的選擇可能有所不同而下篇文章再討論。 (小編:這篇論文根本是推PICC) 以往經驗都是 護理師說周邊靜脈打不到,醫生來放中央靜脈導管。病人要化療,來找外科做人工血管! 不過時代的演進,有好工具應該也要會用

PICC與CICC之管路選擇的考量(Consideration between PICC and CICC)

在加護病房或普通病房,都有靜脈管路置放的需求。 除了注射高滲透壓之輸液(全靜脈營養)或高刺激藥物(癌症化學藥物治療、 強酸或強鹼藥物 等)需要中央靜脈導管,還要考量置放天數[16]:

輸液-維持性輸液用於急性病症患者,等張流(Maintenance Intravenous Fluid Therapy in acute ill patients )

NEJM2015年的回顧文獻,這篇回顧說明低張溶液(hypotonic fluid(鈉離子濃度小於130 mmol/L))溶液造成住院患者的醫源性低血鈉,主張要使用等張溶液或平衡溶液(balanced solution)作為維持性輸液(intravenous maintainace fluid)。 此文獻等張溶液為Normal saline,0.9% 生理食鹽水,但小編覺得應該考慮使用Lactate Ringer以避免高氯之代謝酸中毒(hypercholoreic metabolic acidosis)。 目前小編在臨床使用輸液種類有些微落差,成人輸液種類主要給予D5 0.45%S或大塚TaitaNo4為主,孩童輸液種類為大塚Taita No2為主,當然以當下那血鈉程度、水分需求量(Free water)、容積需求量做細部調整。 生理原理,抗逆尿激素 會如此的選擇是因為生理學原理是我們人體會有抗逆尿激素(ADH, Vassopression, Arginine Vasopressin(AVP)),會調節人體腎臟的功能以調節血管內、細胞外組織間的水分量。抗逆尿激素的分泌增加,可能源於:(初分兩類) 血行動力之刺激(hemodynamic stimuli):volume depletion; hypotension; edematous states such as congestive heart failure, cirrhosis, and the nephrotic syndrome; and sepsis 非血行動力之刺激(Nonhemodynamic physiological stimuli):pain, stress, nausea, vomiting, hypoxemia, hypercapnia, hypoglycemia, and the perioperative state 醫源性低血鈉 有此的緣由,身體會幫我們留住水分,所以輸液給予的考量會以等張溶液而不是低張溶液作為考量,低張溶液會造成更多的水分在血管及流入細胞和組織間,造成醫源性低血鈉和水腫,嚴重的話會造成低血鈉腦病變。 依病況考量 一些特殊情況,維持性輸液給予時的考量 A、輸液水分限制(Free-water restriction) 適用於 等體液容積狀態,但抗逆尿激素過量分泌 之病況:...